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Interview Vince Valenti

Interview de Vince Valenti


Puissance-Advance : Weren’t you embarrassed by the limited number of buttons of the GameBoy Advance in particular for the change of weapon?

Vince Valenti : It did provide some challenges especially in a 3D realm where you need the ability to look as well as move. It was decided that we would create two control systems for NightFire. One that focused on aiming – Control B; and the other that focused on classic strafing – Control A. Jag and I enjoyed control B more, and our beta testers enjoyed control A. Everyone should explore both controls and determine which works best for them.

As far as weapon changes we tried to follow the many FPS games that came before us. We would always like more of everything, including speed, buttons, screen size, resolution, etc. In the end, our goal is to do the best with what the system currently has available to it.

Puissance-Advance : GameBoy Advance was not to created for 3D games, however much of developers launch into that, in particular you. Do you think that the 3d is the future of the GBA, or there will always have a complementarity between the plays 2d and 3d?

Vince Valenti : For the GBA, 3D will always compliment 2D, because the GBA is an amazing 2D machine. In the future when new systems emerge, we believe it is inevitable that more portable games will make the move to 3D games, like the GameCube.

Puissance-Advance : Does the version for GBA take again exactly the story of the GameCube game?

Vince Valenti : Yes the story is the same as the GameCube version, and many of the cut scenes were lifted from the GameCube version.

Puissance-Advance : Have you included piloting phases ?

Vince Valenti : No the GBA version is only the first person elements. However, there are underwater and space missions in the game.

Puissance-Advance : Do you think you have reached the limits of the power of the GBA?

Vince Valenti : There is always more that can be done, although I don’t know how much more.

Puissance-Advance : Which are your future projects?

Vince Valenti : We have been submitting proposals to several companies, but none that we can talk about yet.

Puissance-Advance : How many times did you work on the development of the game? Was it easy every day?

No, it was very difficult days, especially in the beginning and the end of the project. There was many times where I did not sleep for 2 days, just to get the engine working or to finish a 3D level.

Puissance-Advance : Are you satisfied of the GBA SP, in particular its grip ?

Vince Valenti : The controls took me a bit to get used to. That little button clicks was a little strange at first, but I got used to it quickly. For me there was not much difference in the grip, however, on the SP it is much easier to me to use the Left shoulder button with my thumb on the control pad.

Puissance-Advance : Does the backlighted screen change something in the conception of games?

Vince Valenti : Yes it does. Without the light, we had to be really make the graphics bright so you can see it in any light.

Puissance-Advance : We know that there isn't any multi-players mode, why have you decided that whereas other GBA's FPS have one, like Ecks Vs Sever?

Vince Valenti : It is always a tough decision when removing something. Research is showing that very few people actually connect games in a multiplayer mode, especially when more than one cart is needed. It was decided by EA, that we would focus on making the best single player game we could, and not split our cartridge space and our time.

Puissance-Advance : Thanks a lot for answering all our questions. Have you got something to say to our readers ?

Vince Valenti : We feel we have really pushed the system technically. Not only does NightFire have strong 3D visuals, backed up by mood setting audio. We feel that NightFire is action intense game where you find yourself intentionally hiding up against a wall to take a quick breather and plan your next sequence of attacks, before you re-emerge.

Merci à Vince Valenti !
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