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Du nouveau pour RE et la 3DS

Nintendo est vraiment trop fort. Même si la 3DS n’est pas encore disponible, Big N parvient à faire saliver les fans à coup d’annonces distillées subtilement. La dernière en date sera dans le prochain Famitsu.

Pour les lecteurs de Famitsu, la prochaine édition, à paraître la semaine prochaine, devrait donner de nouvelles informations au sujet du très attendu Resident Evil : The Mercenaries 3D. Pour rappel, ce titre offre la possibilité de jouer au mode Mercenaries des épisodes 5 et 6 dans lequel il faut exploser un nombre défini d’ennemis dans un temps limité.

Autre bonne nouvelle, d’autres informations concerneront Resident Evil Revelations. Cet épisode marque, selon le producteur, un retour aux énigmes et à l’exploration des premiers épisodes avec un accent mis sur l’horreur.

Pas encore de photos disponibles mais c’est une affaire à suivre.
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Y'a aucune info dans cette news, pffff .... Et Resident Evil c'est plutôt Capcom.
J'avoue quand on lit: "Du nouveau pour RE et la 3DS", bêtement on s'attend a avoir en effet du nouveau sur RE , son gameplay avec la 3DS...mais non en fait, waloo,du vent.

News très pertinente quoi :D
[quote]Resident Evil: Revelations

- 20 percent complete

- latest media is of the "storyboards and concept renders"

- set between Resident Evil 4 and 5

- stars BSAA team members Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine

- storm a luxury liner infested with creatures

- "The ship's innards are dark, subdued, and packed with fear. The 3D screen really recreates the feel of peering into a corridor and thinking you can see something on the other end -- that's why we're concentrating on the horror in this game; because it's such a good fit with the hardware." - director Koushi Nakanishi

- "We want a scarier game than that avoids the style of RE4 and later and instead goes with the old style up to RE3, where you're solving puzzles and exploring. Recent games in the series have been more about fast excitement, but fear is the main drive of this game from the start -- something so scary to the player, he'll instinctively want to run as fast as he can. Suspense plays a key part here." - producer Masachika Kawada

- setting is someplace in Europe

- creatures on the ship are not zombies or anything of the sort

- new gameplay system that takes advantage of the 3DS hardware

- other BSAA members will appear as well

- game's prologue starts out on a dark, stormy night out at sea

- as the BSAA members approach the ship, Jill says "Surely, they are somewhere on this ship."

- game will also feature other environments

- emphasis on the fear and suspense side

- creatures will appear from unexpected directions

- limited ammo

- 3D visuals used to give depths of the halls

- game is set just after the formation of the BSAA

- looking to make the title enjoyable for newcomers to the series

- elements that fans of past titles will appreciate

- Jill has a laser sight on her gun

- freely move while your gun is equipped

- freely move your viewpoint around

- developed to offer a new play control feel, which could relate to the 3DS's unique functionality

- variety of new enemies

- one storyboard features a storage room that's filled with dead bodies, as well as a broken air duct

- one body seems to be hanging out partially from the broken end of the air duct

- storyboard also features a bloody scene from the ship's kitchen, which is also filled with dead bodies

- first look at a port town and a snowy mountain

- the mountain features a crashed freighter plane in flames

Resident Evil: The Mercenaries

- characters including Chris Redfield, Claire Redfield, Hunk, and Jack Krauser

- "The Mercenaries mode was just bonus material up until now, so a lot of gamers never even got around to playing them, I don't think. You had to finish the main games to unlock them, which made them tough to access in the first place, and a lot of the challenges were pretty sadistically balanced besides." - director Koushi Nakanishi

- move while firing, with the perspective switching to first-person whenever you have your gun out

- default to first-person for the whole game, if you want

- "We needed to change the control system a great deal for the Nintendo 3DS. The touch screen is a really great input device, so we definitely want to get the most out of that we can." - director Kazuhisa Inoue

- Characters can be fully customized

- gain abilities over time

- "You can give them skills and adjust their weaponry. That lets you adjust them for your own play style while leveling up their skills. Each character has varying heal and defense abilities, and some skills let them unlock particular weapon features or defeat certain mid-bosses more easily. Taking advantage of these skills will make the game quicker to play and allow you to raise your characters' levels more easily." - director Kazuhisa Inoue

- "It's tailored to be a pure action game, so there is no story aspect to it at all. Instead of that, we're implementing a lot of new gameplay into the action." - director Kazuhisa Inoue

- 70% complete

- Wi-Fi co-op for up to two players

- unspecified touch screen aspect to the controls

- Chris's model is based off his Resident Evil 5 model

- Claire serves as a contrasting character to Chris

- Chris is powerful, Claire uses her nimbleness

- in the magazine, Claire is shown using a weapon with a laser site

- Jack excels at archery and rocket launcher weapons

- Jack also has a knife

- Jack is a high power character, with high attack and defensive strength

- Hunk is a more balanced character[/quote]

Et Mercenaries était dans les opus 3, 4 et 5, pas 6. (Il existe même pas, 6...)

On fait ses recherches, PN?

Et voici des screenshots:

[url=]Tout en français ici[/url] :)
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